Voice for All, Evan Savage, Principal, and Dehlia Dawson, Assistant Principal, Armstrong Creek  School

Armstrong Creek School provides learning opportunities for all students. During the establishment phase of our school, we aim to provide all learners with unique learning opportunities. Students utilise different learning spaces and seating arrangements in an adaptable learning environment. Teaching and learning is delivered through co – teaching models which enable educators to facilitate and support student voice.

The leadership team attended a two-day professional learning at CAST, Massachusetts, with a focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), in October of 2018. The key idea in UDL is to remove barriers which may prevent some individuals from learning and in doing so, provide students with a voice and choice over how they want to demonstrate their learning.

We aim to share with the audience about how UDL can strengthen student voice, about the utilisation of adaptable learning spaces, as well as how a Positive Climate for Learning promotes student voice.