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Keynote Forum: Re-Imagining Learning In Future Asia

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM
Heliconia Room 3401


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Mr Peter KENNY
Reach Education

Designing with Heart

11:05 AM - 11:35 AM


In designing engaging and purposeful schools we must do so from the inside out. How will students learn?
How do we best teach? How do we want the community to feel when engaging with each other and our environments? Good design and aesthetic appeal should not only be the privilege of the wealthy and developed nations. Peter will introduce you to projects large and small where designing with heart has improved both access to education, greater learner outcomes and a better society.


Peter Kenny came to education through a former professional life. After a decade in the Royal Australian Air Force as an aircraft technician he studied Education. After 6 years teaching he started his own music production company, composing songs and performing nationally to school children. He began his international teaching career in 1998 as head of Music. In 2000 Peter was appointed Principal of Dresden International School, Germany. In 2002 he was the recruited to the position of Regional Manager for the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Asia Pacific and in mid-January 2005 he was elevated to ‘Head of Projects’ for the IB globally. Peter is a member of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, Civilian Corp in Post Conflict and Crisis Recovery. (In this capacity Peter has recently completed a deployment to the UNICEF, Jordan, as the ‘Regional Education Specialist’ leading access to education projects for Syrian Refugees.) Peter moved to Hong Kong to be the founding Principal of Renaissance College, Hong Kong, better known as RCHK. He is the founder and CEO of Reach Education Organization (REO) Limited based in Hong Kong and has since September 2009 been fully engaged in establishing and managing some of the world’s truly iconic and innovative schools. These include: Branksome Hall Asia- (BHA) Jeju Island, South Korea; Campus fly through - Branksome Hall Asia 2012 United World College Changshu (UWC); American School of Hong Kong, Mount Kelly Hong Kong.
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Prof Arnoud DE MEYER
Singapore Management University

Re-Imagining Learning in Future Asia

11:35 AM - 12:05 PM


University education is changing rapidly: ICT influences how tertiary students learn, and has a significant impact on the professor-student relationship. Gone are the times that the professor was the ‘sage on stage’ who would
share knowledge with passive students. Today’s students have a wealth of information at their fingertips, study in flipped classrooms and universities, investing a lot more in experiential learning. The design of the university needs to be support this. SMU was built in 2005 and its dominant classroom was that of a horseshoe shaped lecture theatre with many small breakout rooms. This has served us well. But now we embark on a new model (SMU-X) supporting project work and group learning, with the library as a learning commons and professors as facilitators.


Professor De Meyer is the fourth President of Singapore Management University. Previously, he was Director of Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge where he was Professor of Management Studies and Fellow of Jesus College. He was associated for 23 years with INSEAD where he held various senior academic and administrative positions, including founding Dean of INSEAD’s Asia Campus in Singapore. Professor De Meyer has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, MBA and PhD in Management from the University of Ghent in Belgium. He also pursued his studies as a visiting scholar at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). His research interests are in manufacturing and technology strategy; the implementation of new manufacturing technologies; the management of R&D; how innovation can be managed more effectively; project management under conditions of high uncertainty; management and innovation in Asia; the globalisation of Asian firms; the management of novel projects; and e-readiness in Europe. His work is published widely in academic journals and he has written several books. Professor De Meyer serves on several boards including the Human Capital Leadership Institute, National Research Foundation, Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, Singapore Symphonia Company Limited and Temasek Management Services. He is an external director of Dassault Systèmes SA (France) and also Chair of the Strategic Advisory Committee of VITO, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (Belgium).
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