Masterplanning: Strategy to Delivery
Geoff Warn & Daniel Aisenson, With Architecture Studio

Geoff Warn will profile the scope and value of a campus masterplan, referring to examples of school and university masterplans. Daniel Aisenson will follow with case studies of architectural responses within a masterplan context.

Creative Schools Program: Placing Creative Learning at the Heart of the Curriculum
Lamis Sabra, FORM and Melanie Davies, Kinross Primary School

Inquisitive. Persistent. Imaginative. Disciplined. Collaborative. These are some of the key ‘habits of mind’ that all successful learners share. But they don’t become habits by accident. Kinross Primary School has been part of FORM’s Creative Schools Program exploring how school-cultural collaborations can transform the learning experience and make a positive difference to our children’s emotional and academic outcomes.

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