Healthy Masculinity
Tom Bell - Content Developer And Principal Facilitator & Ryder Susman - Facilitation Trainer And Principal Facilitator

Abstract:What does it mean to be a bloke today? And what do we want it to look like tomorrow? The tide is changing for men young and old and the outdated stereotype is leaving some of our young men stranded without the tools for a healthy life. Its time we got in a room to have a no holds barred conversation about the state of man; face the stats and create room to flex the stereotype and expand our understanding of what it means to be a man. Come and join us for an engaging session on Tomorrow man’s action learning approach to training young men in peer environments the skills needed be a man of tomorrow. 

Biography: Ryder Susman has over 15 years’ experience facilitating workshops with boys and men to help foster healthy emotional dialogue encouraging the conversation of masculinity in today's society. As a father of two boys and avid local footballer, Ryder has seen firsthand the positive impact of challenging traditional notions of masculinity and creating environments where men can explore life beyond the stereotype, and develop the 'emotional muscle' necessary to deal with all situations. Ryder has experience in film and television, working as a producer on the ABC's 'You Can't Ask That' as well as Hamish and Andy's 'True Stories' and currently spends his time travelling throughout Australia working in schools, grassroots organisations, sporting clubs and universities through his role with Tomorrow Man. 

Biography: Tom Bell has been operating in the facilitation and content creation arena for over 15 years. From a young age, Tom spent time cutting his teeth as a facilitator at The Reach Foundation, where he developed and delivered thousands of workshops with teenagers, athletes and business leaders throughout Australia. While working as an expert large-scale facilitator, MC and trainer, Tom has continued to find new ways to iterate his own skill set to become emotionally agile to the subtleties of a room, allowing him to find great depth and impact in his work. Tom now operates as a Principal Facilitator at Tomorrow Man where he develops and delivers content that grows emotional muscle, builds social capital, creates psychologically safe environments and trains EQ through an intimate and authentic style.

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