Keynote 4

 3.00pm Friday 12 April

Provisional title – A Whole Community Approach to Wellbeing

ABSTRACT:  In 2016, Where there’s a Will (WTAW) was formed with the aim to raise collective awareness and improve the community literacy of mental health and wellbeing in the Upper Hunter. We believe that education is the key to our ongoing success. Through key partnerships with PESA and leaders in Positive Education and Wellbeing, WTAW has brought together 22 schools and 15 pre-schools to share a journey for long term cultural change of mental health and wellbeing. Engaging in a whole community approach has created community buy in and attracted funding to support the journey for the Upper Hunter. This has allowed various projects and initiatives to be successfully undertaken and provides ongoing opportunities for them to develop and grow. We can have a community where everyone can possess the skills to thrive.

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