Using a strengths focus in classroom climate and behavoural support plans
Joanne Alford,Berry Street

Wellbeing and positive learning relationships impacts a child’s ability to learn and thrive at school. In his research John Hattie states that “these positive relationships are the pre-cursors to learning- they form a resource to be spent when in challenging situations”. We know that students need to connect with teachers they trust to be able to ask for help, to try again, to receive feedback, to put their hand up and say “I don’t get it”. A strengths approach to building a positive learning partnership forms a stable relationship that energises students and they feel seen and heard for their true identity. A strength based relationship is not contingent on whether the student has met the criteria for being a ‘good student’ that day. This workshop shares a strength focused behavioural support plan as an intervention for reflection after unhelpful learning behaviours as well ideas on how to create a strength focused culture in the classroom.

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