Is wellbeing enough? Combining risk management with positive psychology to create psychologically healthy and safe workplaces.
Jason van Schie,Psychologist (Masters of Applied Psychology - Occupational), People Diagnostix

A psychologically healthy and safe workplace can be defined as "a workplace that promotes workers' psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to worker psychological health, including in negligent, reckless or intentional ways". Improving an employee’s capacity to be resilient and optimise wellbeing using positive psychology interventions may assist in improving their capacity to cope with stresses and improve recovery. However, this approach should not be used to substitute the employer’s obligations to assess and mitigate workplace hazards that pose a risk to employee mental health. This presentation will discuss how a psychosocial risk management approach can be combined with positive psychology in order to assist employers and employees with their shared responsibility for workplace mental health. The FlourishDx software application will be used as a case study to demonstrate how this approach can be delivered in a rigorous and scalable way.

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