Growth Mindsets
Berni Cooper, Strategic Lead: Career Development & Engagement, Queensland University of Technology

Abstract: In this practice-orientated, evidence-based masterclass you will be guided through a process which you can use to develop Growth Mindset initiatives inside your organisation. Developing students’ understanding of Growth Mindset theory has shown increases in: grades, enjoyment of the academic process, resilience to stress, capacity for learning, and curiosity. As we explore the process, these benefits, and critiques, will be discussed. I will share personal experiences, tips and pitfalls of using the process. You will hear stories from the students who partnered in the development of a Growth Mindset initiative as well as the end-user learners. Links to neuroplasticity will be evidenced and applications beyond the classroom. You will leave the masterclass with a clear process you can follow, a list of resources, an overview of criticisms and benefits, and ideas for at least one action that you can undertake to enhance your / your students’ / your team’s Growth Mindset. 

Biography: Berni holds a Master of Applied Positive Psychology, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology) Hons and various Higher Education Teaching and Coaching certificates. Berni is the Strategic Lead, Career Development & Engagement within the Student Success Group at Queensland University of Technology and is also a coach, consultant and facilitator. She has developed a number of initiatives at QUT to enhance students’ resilience and employability skills: an online growth mindset module and associated student and staff development workshops; a student peer coaching program; and a suite of employability tools such as a university-wide employability framework and associated online learning experiences and resources for student self-access and academic use embedded in curriculum.

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