Self to System
Annabelle Knight,Director - Dip Teaching. Grad. Dip. Ed. MAPP,Strengths Canvass/ St Michael's Grammar

Schools are positive communities and we can bring an appreciative lens to what’s working well, align pockets of excellence and enable staff to be the architects of positivity, productivity and wellbeing. The aim of this workshop is to make visible the rationale, design and implementation of an evidenced based Way of Wellbeing at St Michael’s Grammar School. Wellbeing is context specific and this workshop will enable reflection on possibilities for practice. The focus is on positive wellbeing practices already happening and how we can build on these through aligned beliefs and understandings, optimising collective efficacy. The pathways to PERMAH can be personalized and have the capacity to improve emotional literacy and relationships, through a strengths based culture with a mindset for deep learning, growth and resilience. At the core of this are theories of Self Determination and Hope. Measures will demonstrate how this framework can evolve and grow.

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