Co-creating a science-to-service assessment to track student wellbeing and positive learner attributes
Angela Zagoren,Director of Counselling and Wellbeing Health, Senior Psychologist, BA (Psych & Soc), BA Hons (Psych), PhD (Psych), The Southport School
Allison Waters, Professor, Assoc Editor of Behaviour Research and Therapy and Australian Journal of Psychology,  School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University

During 2017-2018, Griffith University researchers worked in close collaboration with mental health and educational partners within Anglican and Education Queensland schools, to create the Life-Fit-Learning system. Life-Fit-Learning is a flexible, online system comprising three integrated components: (1) assessing students’ learner attributes, school engagement, achievement and wellbeing outcomes, (2) reflecting on students’ progress through the production of individual and cohort reports, and (3) connecting students and school staff to online resources to enhance wellbeing and educational outcomes. In this presentation, Dr Zagoren will discuss the co-creation of mind-body-spirit measures relevant to faith-based Positive Education schools, and how Life-Fit-Learning has been implemented to help inform wellbeing planning around The Southport School’s ‘Wellbeing Health’ programs. Professor Waters will provide an overview of Life-Fit-Learning and its implementation within our partner schools, highlighting key findings in relations to student wellbeing and education outcomes, and critical insights in relation to implementation within the school setting.

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